Update: If you are here because of recent social media posts about the passage of SJR401 on August 21, and would like to donate to Better Boundaries Utah for their “vote no” campaign, please use this link. If you would like to support my campaign running against Jordan Teuscher, please register with me at https://green4utah.vote/get-involved/.

In a specially called session this week, SJR401 was introduced specifically because the legislature is fearful that voters want to hold legislators accountable for actually doing their jobs. Let’s call out the coalition of Utah GOP legislators who are taking away Utahn’s rights to citizens initiatives: Sen Leader Stuart Adams, Rep Leader Mike Schultz, Sen Kirk Cullimore (chief sponsor) and Rep Jordan Teuscher (House sponsor).

For reference, here’s the bill: https://le.utah.gov/~2024S4/bills/static/SJR401.html

Let’s start by describing what they want to take away from us. Citizen Initiatives are literally a tool for “We the People” to have a voice when our representatives don’t effectively represent its citizens. The resolution introduced this week is seeking to take away legislative power from Utah citizens, and give that authority to the Utah legislature. Keep in mind that if this passes, state legislators are TAKING AWAY POWER from Utah voters. Powers to introduce important legislation. Powers to approve constitutional amendments. Powers that belong to us unless we give them away.

There is a REASON that Citizens Initiatives exist. Our LAST AND SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT privilege is to raise a vote to the people when our representatives either lack political will or (in Utah) suffer under a super majority that obstructs the people’s will.

We are a representative democracy, and we have a state constitution with checks and balances. As citizens, we can vote for who represents us, we can create Citizen Initiatives, and we can sue or suffer under the legislation our representatives pass. I would mention impeachment but you have seen how our Utah legislator lacks the political will to deal with bad actors (like Natalie Cline) in their own party.

This year, a coalition of Utah GOP legislators were checked by the Utah Supreme Court for failing to represent Utah citizens, and now they are actively writing legislation to strip our rights away. They don’t like being checked by the courts, by the executive branch (although our current governor coddles to the legislature) or by us, the people. In their proclamation for the special session they warn about foreign interests. ONLY UTAH VOTERS can submit a Citizen Initiative. They are literally calling the interests of Utah voters “foreign interests”. Are you mad yet? You should be.

In their announcement leading up to this bill, they even admit their own impertinent behavior: “While past legislative overreach has understandably led to some distrust among the peopleā€¦” but they have the gall to call a special legislative session specifically to write a bill that then STRIPS our voice as voters so they can continue the very same legislative overreach they are committing. We are even paying them to go into session so they can actively work against us. We are literally paying them right now to write laws to hurt us.

Here are 3 things all Utahns can do:

  1. CALL your legislator and tell them you are a constituent, and you want them to vote NO on this.
  2. If the bill passes, then YOU can vote NO on this initiative.
  3. In November, vote like it matters. Be informed, vote on all the races, and vote for people who will represent and LISTEN to you.

Do you Vote In House District 44? There’s One More Thing

If you live in Utah House District 44 (South Jordan, West Jordan) please consider voting for me in November. I listen. I’m committed to local representation & true Utah values that embrace community and respect for ALL people. It’s time to push the Teusch out.

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